
Bundy Ranch Terrorists Issue Bomb Threats, Intimidate City Council Meeting, Attempt to Set Fire to Cars

Justanotherhuman5/03/2014 5:40:23 am PDT

These people who are “discussing” (actually, not) the “debate” last night are saying such brilliant things as Hayden and Dershowitz are pushing fear simply because they stated that there could be another terrorist attack? Which, if I’m not mistaken, plans for which have already been uncovered more than once?

Just because we don’t necessarily hear about every single instance of terrorism that was stopped in the planning stages doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.

Do those “discussing” this live in Utopia or something? Brilliant observations, like ” Dershowitz, what a shitty lawyer. His whole shtick is fear.” from “Darth Anubis” who is probably a sitting in his mom’s basement with his Cheetos and Cokes and has never had a responsible moment in his life.