
GOHMERT! A 5-Year Old Hate Crime Law Will Make Christianity Illegal

GlutenFreeJesus5/14/2015 12:51:35 pm PDT

Allen West was a victim of Sharia Law in Wal-Mart!!!!!^*%#@!#^!^&@%!@!!!!!!

There was a young man doing the checkout and another Walmart employee came over and put up a sign, “No alcohol products in this lane.” So being the inquisitive fella I am, I used my additional set of eyes — glasses — to see the young checkout man’s name. Let me just say it was NOT “Steve.”

I pointed the sign out to Aubrey and her response was a simple question, how is it that this Muslim employee could refuse service to customers based on his religious beliefs, but Christians are being forced to participate in specific events contrary to their religious beliefs?

Boy howdy, that is one astute young lady.

Imagine that, this employee at Walmart refused to just scan a bottle or container of an alcoholic beverage — and that is acceptable. A Christian business owner declines to participate or provide service to a specific event — a gay wedding — which contradicts their faith, and the State crushes them.

He got all that from the law that under-21 employees can’t sell smokes or booze. lol