
Video: White Supremacists at Pro-Trump Conference in Washington DC Give Nazi Salutes and Shout "Hail Trump!"

William Lewis11/21/2016 5:35:37 pm PST

re: #207 Nyet

The US media is certainly better than in whole lotta countries.

Not by much and getting worse daily.

Please, if you would, compare the reporting about the Trump transition on the BBC vs any US media outlet. Only on one of them will you learn anything useful.

(Hint: It won’t be US based.).

Now perhaps you have a need to believe in a US that remains good to salve your cold war ego but we won that once and are now about to piss it away thanks to Trump and our puppet media.

If you want real news about the reality in this world, Sergy, listen to the leader of the Free World Angela Merkel on the BBC or DW. You will not hear truth on any US media channel anytime in the next decade or three (depending on how WWIII plays out)