
Video: John Oliver on Donald Trump's Disastrous Withdrawal From the Paris Agreement

Rightwingconspirator6/05/2017 8:05:57 am PDT

re: #193 HappyWarrior

Many people would in fact tell you that an armed civilian would make an already volatilize situation worse but that doesn’t stop the gun humpers fantasy.

Anyone / maybe everyone trained up by professionals will tell you that. And it’s such a muddle when completely unreasonable thinking has to be gone through like it has relevance. Reminds me of climate debate. On the upside we do have literally innumerable incidents where folks with guns tucked away avoided or fled the danger. Called cops and did not pull the gun. But we can not count on forbearance and wisdom from untrained people armed or not.

In the era of soft target weapon of opportunity attacks we have to think through how to get away if we can, hide if we can’t run and still live if we can’t hide. So many places a gun is no help anyway. Bus. Train. Crowd. Texas car dealerships apparently.//
Maybe it’s too soon to snark that incident. But I’m looking at being out in public and on public transit differently.

Is it time to think/teach personal safety stuff like “how fast can I run with my kid?” Or emergency stop the subway between stations or not? Response time is much better at stations.