
New From Seth Meyers: Markets Plunge as Trump Lies About Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

lawhawk3/10/2020 6:12:51 am PDT

re: #46 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Apparently you can’t get tested without explicitly stating the name of who you were around that’s tested positive. They’re all pissed as hell. Cassandra Fairbanks. The whole thread is angry conservatives.

This is what you get when you have a reactionary know nothing in charge of the WH, everyone lies to tell Trump what he wants to hear, not what he needs to hear, and everyone lies all the way down because they can’t get the tests needed because there aren’t enough to go around to help people make health decisions.

Everyone at CPAC is at risk here, precisely because Trump’s dumbfuckery has left us in mortal peril. That wingnuts like Malkin are kvetching over this is ironic. They all had this coming and the comeuppance isn’t going to be pretty as we learn still more people are infected and spread the disease without realizing it.

We are no where near close enough to containing the spread in the US. We’re on the Italy trend line, and Italy just locked down the entire country in an attempt to curb the spread.

They were at 600 cases just a week or so ago. We’re just past 600 cases as of last night. The more tests that are done, the numbers will climb all while Trump is busy lying that things are under control.

Heck, just last night his cronies were claiming that 2.1 tests were available or about to be shipped. “About to be shipped” is doing all the heavy lifting, since we’ve barely tested 10,000 people, let alone a million.

World War Z was a cautionary tale - and everything Trump is doing is so much more idiotic than anything described in the book at trying to contain a pandemic that we’re going to have dire real world consequences for a long time to come.

Trump’s solution to all this? Tax cuts. Payroll tax cut. Tax breaks for hotels (which he directly benefits from).

Tax cuts wont get people commuting into work or reopens schools.

My commute saw significantly fewer people on the train. Normally, it’s SRO. Today? 20-30 open seats on a train with 150 seats. Businesses are telling everyone to work from home and are instituting their business continuity plans (BCP). They don’t want to lose their employees to the disease, and containment is going to come from businesses being more proactive than Trump.

Trump, instead of focusing on the disease containment, is tweeting about polling and doing his media critic bulkshit this morning. He doesn’t care. No one in Trumpworld does. He’s ruined the CDC ability to get ahead of the outbreak, and no one can trust anyone in Trumpworld to tell the truth about the situation.

But hey, the markets are up 1,000 points on bargain hunting (which will last only as long as people don’t realize that the underlying fundamentals are no different than yesterday and the cases will increase significantly today).