
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

Mattand5/28/2024 7:42:37 am PDT

re: #187 Targetpractice

Fair point, but I can’t agree with predictions that the jury’s going to wimp out because they fear for their lives or that a “lone holdout” is going to fuck this entire thing. As cynical as I am by nature, I don’t feel that this is a lost cause and we should just assume Trump will walk free and clear because it always seems that he does so. If we’re that past the point of no return, then why the fuck are we even holding out hope that he can be defeated at the ballot box?

Well, I’m gonna do what I can, but as I’ve stated before: I am surrounded by a lot of Both Siders who normally lean Dem but are in full “Yeah, Trump’s not great, but my groceries are through the roof” mode. I know other people are dealing with this (and much worse), but I have complacent white folks on all sides who aren’t paying attention to the genuine danger Trump is, and dismiss well-reasoned concerns out of hand as me being a worry-wart or just stupid.

So my faith in voters and jurors doing the right thing is pretty much at an all time low.

I also wanna point out that the one time I stated Trump has a real shot at winning in 2016, I got down dinged here into oblivion.

He absolutely should be brought to trial; I’m not saying he shouldn’t. It at least draws a line in a stand that states laws do matter. The problem is that it’s just that: a line in the sand that can easily be wiped out or stepped over without proper backup.