
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake5/02/2009 3:50:45 am PDT

To advocate an increase in birthrates among non-Muslims as a strategy to combat Islamification is racist and reactionary.
re: #188 BatGuano

Absolutely right. From what I understand (and I might be wrong) Allah, takes precedence over any man-made laws. Democracy is in direct opposition to God.

Not necessarily.
If a majority of the electorate votes for Sharia law, that is a democratic result. But it is a result which is antithetical to our constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state.

In an Islamic Republic, you have a constitutional guarantee that Sharia law trumps democratically enacted legislation. This is the exact opposite of the US constitutional separation of church and state.

Democracy alone, without constitutional guarantees that religious beliefs cannot be passed into law, is simply not good enough.