
The Furious Evolution of the Swine Flu Virus

Sabnen5/05/2009 12:14:10 pm PDT

The idea behind getting the annual flu shot is to strengthen your immune system for later. Let me explain . .

I think it has been well observed that teachers, starting out in the profession, have colds constantly. I did. Catching colds from the students is just plain unavoidable. As the years go by your body builds an immunity to all the different varieties of cold viruses it has experienced, so you are less likely to catch a cold you haven’t had before. Your immunity is stronger.

The same goes for ‘exposing’ yourself to the annual flu shot. You will build immunities to all the different varieties of flu going about over time. It may not be an exact match to the flu of the future, but you will have immune components to parts of that flu that may help you fight it. Build your arsenal for your later years … get your annual flu shot.