
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/05/2009 3:13:30 am PDT

For the two of you who are still awake…

I put up a spinoff about Behe’s appearance on last week, with a comment to that with a bunch of links.

Bottomline: John McWhorter went way out of his field (which is linguistics and social commentary), basically gave a platform for Behe to spout his stuff, and Carl Zimmer and Sean Carroll drew the line in the sand and said they will have nothing to do with anything that has to do with ID/DI and said goodbye to blogginheads.

Which is sad, because both Zimmer and Carroll are a delight to listen to and both are very good at explaining complex science.

Additionally McWhorter looks like a fool, and Behe and his friend Bruce Chapman are now whining about persecution.

The irony about all of this is that the owner/progenitor of blogginheads is one Bob Wright whose intellectual efforts have been directed at finding existential meaning in a world without clinging to a traditional view of God.