
Do Religious Fanatics Have the Right to Conduct Exorcisms in the Workplace?

What, me worry?11/12/2010 9:05:26 pm PST

re: #193

MM -
I suspect it’s very likely the complainer would have complained about any such behavior, religious in nature or not. I suspect what disturbed her most was the threatening way this one employee treated the other one, not that it was a “religious” action. The complainer was one of the ones in the “prayer circle” group IIRC.

Right. The complainer was one in the prayer circle and didn’t seem to have a problem with praying for the other person? I’m guessing she or he didn’t expect an exorcism (no one expects an exorcism…) and complained about it.

At first, I thought that third person was the one who was being harassed, but it looks like it was another person altogether, but that person didn’t complain? Was the person even there? It just seems bizarre. I would understand it better if the harassEE was the complainer.

They wouldn’t be arguing about freedom of religious expression if it had nothing to do with religion tho.