
The GOP: Bringing Back Infectious Diseases

RogueOne3/21/2011 2:23:29 pm PDT

One more link:

President’s FY 2011 Budget Falls Far Short on Infectious Diseases Programs

Especially hard-hit in this year’s budget is CDC, which would have its budget cut by $135 million. Of particular concern to IDSA are:

* the slashing of CDC’s Infectious Diseases program budget, which would be cut by almost $100 million, a 5 percent decline
* a cut of more than 50 percent to the already strapped budget for the vital Antimicrobial Resistance program, which would force CDC to cut in half its support for state and local surveillance, prevention, and control efforts, and end all grants to states for the successful Get Smart in the Community program to combat improper antibiotic use
* a 21 percent reduction in grants for the Section 317 immunization program compared to the current fiscal year, in light of the end of additional funding provided though the stimulus bill; these cuts will reduce access to immunizations, which save lives and millions of dollars in preventable medical spending

There’s obviously a conspiracy between the president and the republicans to weed out the poor by withholding vaccinations.