
Off the Wall Friday Afternoon Video Break: Sleep Walk, by Hey Beautiful Jerk

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/31/2013 6:16:11 am PDT

This is America, 2013, and this is one of your medical doctors:

Navigating the Worlds of Science and Faith

To the Editor:

Adam Frank, in “Welcome to the Age of Denial” (Op-Ed, Aug. 22), seems bitter that no one is listening to him and his fellow astrophysicists. After all, they have found the truth.

Let me remind Dr. Frank that the theory of relativity is still a theory, as is the Big Bang theory. As a physician in private practice for almost 25 years, I have made it a point to have an open discourse with my patients when they question medical or scientific fact. Too often I have seen outcomes defy those facts.

Let those of us who may have been educated in the ivory towers of academia abandon the notion that we belong to a society that holds knowledge of the universal truths of humankind and the cosmos. They should be used as guidelines rather than as intransigent blocks to creative approaches and thought.

The universal truth that I live by is the understanding that the challenges of everyday life have a way of creating individual realities that, to scientists, may fly in the face of logic and fact; however, they are logical and factual to those who experience and live with them.

Pomona, N.Y., Aug. 22, 2013

The writer is an internist.