
Mike Huckabee Says Women Use Birth Control Because They "Cannot Control Their Libido"

simoom1/23/2014 1:25:58 pm PST

This was an odd one:

@wikileaks #AskSnowden The Ecuadorean Consul in London, Fidel Narvaez, lost his job after his helping you to safety was spun. Message for his family?

Fidel is an incredibly brave individual, and he did everything that was possible to ensure that the rights of someone he had never met would be protected. He could have turned away from a tough decision, but instead of letting my situation become someone else’s problem, he did what he thought was right. That kind of commitment to doing the right thing, even knowing it could get you in trouble, is something the world needs more of.

Wasn’t it Assange that cost him his job by pressuring him to arrange an invalid ‘safe pass’ for Snowden?