
New From Keith Olbermann: This Russian Obsession Shows How Trump Will Be Undone

Birth Control Works1/10/2017 9:27:51 am PST

re: #187 HappyWarrior

The communists honestly have a mixed record on women. In the pre-Stalin USSR, you had individuals like Alexandra Kollontai who championed birth control but by the Stalin years, birth control was banned. Stalin may have been an atheist but he was very conservative about women’s roles. The same thing happened in Romania.

Yes, but women were educated and worked in the sciences and some upper roles in government (IIRC).

There is a passage in Margaret Sanger’s autobiography described a meeting she had with a European man ( I can’t remember the country or the man’s profession). He stated that “they” would NEVER allow woman to control reproduction (meaning population control would never be in the hands of women).