
The White Stripes in 2001: "Screwdriver" (Live on the Late Late Show With Craig Kilborn)

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷12/04/2021 11:55:56 pm PST

Meanwhile on the other coast, the world is being made more dangerous by the Catholic Church (via the National Catholic Reporter)

Archbishop Cordileone reveals he’s not vaccinated for COVID-19, drawing sharp criticism

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has revealed he is not vaccinated against the coronavirus and suggested β€” incorrectly β€” that the inoculations the federal government approved to prevent COVID-19 β€œare not really vaccines.”

β€œWe think of a vaccine as a shot that gives you immunity to a disease for life or at least for a very long time. And these actually don’t give any immunity at all. They give protection,” Cordileone told The San Francisco Chronicle Dec. 1.


Like any good Liar for Jesus, he said his physician tells him it is not necessary to get vaccinated.