
Overnight Open Thread

Neo Con since 9-113/10/2009 12:22:47 am PDT

re: #146 zombie

I’ve been around the block a few times, and waded through the crazy end of the swamp more times than I care to remember, but never before have I encountered the conspiracy (if that’s what you can call it) outlined in the latest comment on a video I uploaded to YouTube a year ago. Are you ready for it? :

Hi, tards! The US did Hawaii in 1893, the UK did Palestine in 1882, for the secret treaty, which started WWI and WWII. But Jews are from Ethiopia, and you standing army-yellow-and-red-bellied GOMERS are too stupid to see the war is profit, for illegal UK, Saudis they appointed, and DAVE-monarchs, when Abraham had to almost cut Isaac over his ethical complaint, as to how MOSES AND HIS COHEN-ETHIOPIAN WIFE WERE STONED, as soon as Moses tossed the tablet. GET OUT, TRAITOR-CRUSADERS.


Here’s his website ask him your self
Really weird thing is he seems to post similar rants on on blogs devoted to everything from helping people deal with cancer to football predictions