
Le Pen Calls Nazi Gas Chambers 'A Detail' of WWII

Zimriel4/05/2009 2:15:17 pm PDT

re: #190 Killgore Trout

Speaking of nuts: Pamela has a hilarious, typo ridden, and gramitically impossible rant posted….

She’s trying to start a campaign to censor anti-Palin comments in newspaper websites.

They’re giving away 100’s of thousands of our condoms! Tea Party!

First, she isn’t trying to start that campaign; she is linking to Conservatives For Palin. The C4P site is probably embarrassed by Gellar’s support.

Second, C4P isn’t trying to censor the Anchorage Daily News via the State of Alaska; it’s getting readers to contact advertisers, so that the ADN quits running slander.

Third, as for the anti-Palin comments, they include slander like Trig Trooferism. Which, in your eyes, is legitimate political discourse.

Other than that, your comment was accurate./