
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

karmic_inquisitor4/11/2009 9:14:06 am PDT

Just so folks are clear on what we are dealing with in terms of the “Pirates” off of Somalia, WAPO tells us this today -

Senior Obama administration officials are debating how to address a potential terrorist threat to U.S. interests from a Somali extremist group, with some in the military advocating strikes against its training camps. But many officials maintain that uncertainty about the intentions of the al-Shabab organization dictates a more patient, nonmilitary approach.

Al-Shabab, whose fighters have battled Ethiopian occupiers and the tenuous Somali government, poses a dilemma for the administration, according to several senior national security officials who outlined the debate only on the condition of anonymity.

The organization’s rapid expansion, ties between its leaders and al-Qaeda, and the presence of Americans and Europeans in its camps have raised the question of whether a preemptive strike is warranted. Yet the group’s objectives have thus far been domestic, and officials say that U.S. intelligence has no evidence it is planning attacks outside Somalia.


We live in a time of un-reality. The “reality based community” has taken over and considers attacking ships on the high seas a domestic political activity and is therefore flummoxed as to what to do about it.

For those on this board who tell us that we can’t act against the sponsors of these “Pirates” on the ground, let me point out something - THEY ARE AN AL QAEDA LINKED TERROR ORGANIZATION.

And when you pay them ransom, you pay Al Qaeda.

No. Other. Way. Around. It.