
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

HelloDare10/08/2009 1:57:47 pm PDT

Polanski Supporter Frederic Mitterand Is a Pedophile Too

When Roman Polanski was arrested, none was more critical than French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand:

Mitterrand said, “To see him like that, thrown to the lions because of ancient history, really doesn’t make any sense.”

Mitterrand continued with a jab against the United States: “In the same way that there is a generous America that we like, there is also a scary America that has just shown its face.”

Now it’s clear why: Mitterand is also a pedophile:

France’s new culture minister, Frdric Mitterrand, who has defended the filmmaker Roman Polanski against extradition charges for statutory rape, was attacked on Wednesday for his admission in a 2005 autobiography, “The Bad Life,” that he “got into the habit” of paying “young boys” for sex in Southeast Asia despite “the sordid details of this traffic.”

And enjoyed it tremendously:

All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excited me enormously … the abundance of very attractive and immediately available young boys put me in a state of desire.

There is a scary Mitterand that has just shown his face.

And you thought it was telling that Woody Allen supported Polanski.

With friends like these …