
Scozzafava Bails

borgcube10/31/2009 10:46:02 am PDT

The far right is now emulating the far left. It seems to work these days in the political game.

I now make up a list of the top ten issues most important to me for an upcoming election race. All of them are fiscal concerns, not a single social or religious item in the list. I then check off which candidate supports my positions based upon their record, not what they say.

Here’s the unfortunate reality for me anyway. In each and every case as of late, the teabagging/anti-abortion/anti-gay marriage/wingnut supports those fiscal issues important to me, while the other candidate usually never even gets a single check in his/her column on my list. The comparison is not usually even close.

I don’t give a crap about gay marriage, abortion, etc. I care about my wallet and the overall future financial security of our nation getting abducted by government, something happening more and more frequently.

I don’t live in NY-23, but if I did, my 10 point checklist would have had at least 8 marks for Hoffman if not more. Sure, I have to hold my nose for the nutjob creationist loons, but at least I don’t have to hold my wallet at all times.

Maybe I’m too focused on fiscal things and need to pay attention a bit more ( or a lot more) to the social arguments of the day. Or maybe too many people are narrowly interested in the gay marriage saga, etc., and base their choices solely on social issues and such. But, I’ve never thought it was any business of government one way or another to butt into such things.

Here’s a snapshot of a political party that would get my vote every time: If you want an abortion, fine, but you’re paying for it. Is that so hard?