
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne10/11/2010 7:43:27 am PDT

re: #177 darthstar

Axelrod didn’t invent false accusations. They’ve been around for years…and you have to admit the sudden flood of money following Citizens United is impressive…but it’s nothing compared to the amount of money we’ll see spent in 2012. Even hard-liner defenders like yourself will be disgusted by the new lows the Chamber reaches for in that cycle.

And with the Republicans benefitting from this change in cash flow by taking seats in both houses, don’t expect anything to be done about it for another three or four election cycles…until the Senate is filled with Christine O’Donnells and the house with Michele Bachmanns…the good news is noone will be worried about “under God” being removed from the pledge, as every other word will be replaced with “Praise Jesus!”

I’ve been on record, here, as being in favor of the citizens united ruling. I’m more concerned about attempts to stifle political speech than I am about campaign financing. I would much rather argue about issues than who is funding what and where someone got their ideas.

The dems had the money advantage early this election cycle but the problem is they haven’t been able to defend their positions so they look to use scare tactics using evil foreigners and jesus to change the subject. I notice they didn’t seem to be so concerned with campaign financing during 2008 when our president spent almost a billion dollars during his campaign.

For the last time, how about we focus on the argument the CoC is making this election season in their ads instead of who is paying for them?