
Pamela Geller: 'I've Had It Up to Here With Sandra Fluke's Obama-Endorsed Vagina'

TedStriker3/06/2012 3:02:49 pm PST

re: #163 Everybody Look at Your Hands

Apparently a few companies have been saying on the Twitter that they were “thrown” into his timeslot without their knowledge. Geico claims to be one of them. What a bunch of bullshit. So basically they’re saying Clear Channel (?) illegally put their ads on Rush’s show without compensation? I don’t believe a word of it.

re: #165 Everybody Look at Your Hands

And all of this would have just continued to happen “without their knowledge” if Rush wouldn’t have been as big a pig as he usually is. Surreee.

People need to understand how ad sales run for broadcast outlets (radio and TV [OTA/satellite/cable]). You have network ads and local ads; network ads are usually the big, national/regional accounts, while local ads are just that.

re: #193 makeitstop

It’s called a ‘pool buy.’ A certain percentage of ad buys are placed in slots among a pool of programs syndicated by a broadcast group (in this case, Premier). These ads could show up on Rush’s show, or Hannity’s or Randi Rhodes (who is also syndicated by Premier, believe it or not) or on any other show they syndicate. The companies pay for the ads, they’re just used in empty ad slots as they come up.

The only thing to stop this random ad placement is a specific request by the sponsor not to be placed on a certain show. That’s what GEICO (and Netflix as well, from what I’ve read today) are now doing.

You’ve said it better that I was going to; pool buys are pretty common when you’re talking about big accounts buying ad time on a network. The advertiser basically gives how much money they’re willing to spend on a campaign, the spots they’ve had produced, and what demographics they’re going for; the network then gives them the option to target specific shows or spread it out through their schedule.