
Seth Meyers: Trump Lashes Out at Fox and Murdoch Amid Fallout From Shocking Dominion Lawsuit

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈3/03/2023 10:33:27 am PST

re: #210 Amory Blaine

Texas would turn into Romania after Ceaușescu.

Maybe we need Texas and Florida to fail as a lesson to other states that are tempted by the far-right. You can’t tell Republicans that what they’re doing is insane and destructive. They’ll just get mad no matter how tactful you are. You have to let them touch the stove and get burned.

People who aren’t insane and were unlucky enough to wind up in those states will also get burned, but I don’t see any way to reach Republicans before that happens.

Programs to help people move to sane states would be nice.