
The Creationist in Charge of Texas Education

itellu3times3/09/2009 4:26:31 pm PDT

re: #65 Walter L. Newton

Gobekli Tepe is one of the most amazing sites ever found, and there will be decades of study ahead, but this story is so typical of “selling” archeology like it was a new episode of Survivor.

And there is very little publish yet on this site, so the press will be full of stories like this, trying to find something to say about the site.

Search Google for Gobekli Tepe and adviod the articles about the Garden of Eden and UFO’s.

You will be amazed at the pictures.

I actually have wondered if some aspects of the site itself has been faked. I have a 30 year arm chair degree in archeology of this area, and some of this site doesn’t quite make sense, as of yet.

That does look astounding, that level of construction of any kind, at that age, breaks all the records, does it not? And I don’t see any glyphs, so to have that level of construction without writing is further amazing if that is the case, yes?

Even if the age turns out to be bogus and the whole thing is “only” two or three thousand years old, it would be truly interesting.

Um, no illustrations of humans riding dinosaurs, right? And, y’know, no glyphs of R2D2 and C3PO?