
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/20/2009 8:04:28 pm PDT

re: #209 ludwigvanquixote

Fine so here is some detente. If you have a specific quibble with a claim that I make, then point specifically to that, rather than smear the whole thing that I wrote. It angers me.

Now the specific case,

The use of the word certain, was in the context, of stating that it is certain that sooner of later the mechanisms listed - which you do not dispute, would lead to the loss of the caps and a global catastrophe if things were not changed.

I claim that is a certainty.

What is not certain about it?

That is much better, why can we not discuss things in this manner without the egregious insults and anger? What do we gain from the added emotional content?

My one line comment made clear I was not disputing anything except your use of certainty when talking about future events that are probable, even if very likely or even virtually certain. The literature supports me on this and you must know that as you read the literature.

re: #212 ludwigvanquixote

And did you notice that the second I started pulling real papers out, he disappeared anyway?

And no, AJ Strata made it very clear he was leaving because of the OTT insults.