

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)2/11/2010 7:08:55 am PST

re: #207 PhillyPretzel

He’s the boss and he knows it.

He is also achieving a Howard Hughes level of reclusivity. Once he notices anyone other than me in the apartment he’s under the bed until the coast is clear. Given his deafness, that can sometimes be a while. And if he’s too comfortable (he sleeps on a chair that is warmed with a low setting hot pad) he sort of lie there and watch people until they approach too close, or he just decides to bail out.

The forays into the hall of the apartment building are interesting since both cats will scramble for home if anyone arrives on the elevator or leave their own apartments. (Forays are supervised, I’m generally out in the hall myself, or simply running garbage/recycling to the proper place.)