
Obama Orders National Guard to Mexican Border

darthstar5/25/2010 2:35:17 pm PDT

I’m fuckin’ beat…I signed up for a 5K run on June 12 and decided today would be a good day to see if I could run 5k on the treadmill…I did…just. Had to walk about 3/4 of a mile of it in between a mile run and a 3/4 mile run…my time is pathetic, but hey, it’s real so here it is. 35:12. 7min/km…I guess that’s better than dropping dead in the gym half way through…but boy are my dogs in for a treat…no more ‘I don’t feel like jogging this morning’ excuses for two weeks…it’s “long loop double back” every day (I have a short loop and a long loop I take them on on our hill(we’re at 1500 feet)…the long loop with a double-back comes out to 2 miles…I figure that’s a good training distance for the first week, then a long loop double-back with a short loop to bring me to three miles the last four days, and I should be good to go for 5k at sea level.

I suppose if I really wanted to train I could go shack up with Walter at 8200 feet, but if running at that altitude didn’t kill me, he probably would. ;)