
GOP Will Kill the Unemployment Extension Today

Rightwingconspirator6/24/2010 2:26:57 pm PDT

Wow what a thread to be late to. Parachute Post caveat
re: #14 Dragon_Lady

Ok, now wait just one moment! I have had the humiliating and demeaning position of unemployment for over a year now and If I want to pay the rent I need to find a job or keep getting those demeaning unemployment checks or stop eating. Since there are no jobs to be found here in California and I would really like to keep a roof over my head and I really don’t want to stop eating what the heck WOULD YOU SUGGEST I DO NOW? I know they’re tax based! You think I really want to stay unemployed? Have you ever had to fill out one of those claim forms? Or been unemployed? This I want to hear!!!

Okay I am pissed at the GOP as well. But TNG is part right, it starts as insurance we pay into. That lasts a few months. It’s the extensions that many are running on now. That is what is at stake. The deficit hawks are misdirected here. Unemployment monies go right back into the economy, food shelter, small goods, you name it.