
Another Investigation Exonerates the 'Climategate' Scientists

brownbagj7/07/2010 3:18:49 pm PDT

re: #212 LudwigVanQuixote


Where do we start? How does the US lead on this? I will be honest, in my opinion it is not cap and trade.

To me, the ONLY way to make change happen is to somehow prove that change is in “greed’s” best interest. Doing the “right” thing or the “moral” thing will not get the masses involved - nor especially the huge corporations or countries (like China or the US).

The change must somehow be economically “good” for those who will be the driving force behind the change from fossil fuels to alternatives. Otherwise, science be damned, change won’t happen. We have to understand human nature to solve this problem. Human nature is usually about acquiring wealth, power etc. If we cannot somehow show that moving from fossil fuels accomplish this and satisfies that human nature, there will never be the kind of change we hope for.