
Jews and Muslims Join Forces Against California Anti-Circumcision Initiative

windsagio6/01/2011 5:13:45 pm PDT

re: #213 Obdicut

‘angsty’ You’re the one that asked man :p


And see we’ve come here again.

I’ll make it clear. Your attitude in posting substantially changed and became way more hostile after I called Alouette a racist (which was in of itself very bad judgement on my part, just to put it out there… also, yes you did a little defense when marjorie called me an anti-semite, but nevertheless).

You’re pretending its not the case, because presumably you don’t like to think of yourself that way, but it absolutely is. I don’t know why its so important to you, or why it got so severely under your skin, but at some level you have to see it, if not actively admit it.

This thread is a perfect example, we were getting along great, and seem to actually almost totally agree on the actual topic, but I made a fairly typical (for me) response to a poorly used turn of phrase by alouette, and you felt the need to jump in with both feet.

All this stuff is old hat to me, and the pattern is not remotely new. It’s not a case of overanalysis, but rather a case of pattern recognition.


So solutions. When you get like this, I’m gonna ignore you and not let you hijack. Hopefully we can still have fun and interesting discussions outside of this limited context, but each of these is 100% predictable, and 100% pointless… so I’m gonna opt out.