
James O'Keefe Commits Voter Fraud to 'Prove' Voter Fraud

Targetpractice1/11/2012 4:49:12 pm PST

re: #213 engineer dog

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Campaign advisers to former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts are scrambling to avoid a prolonged and nasty battle over his business record before it does lasting damage to the front-runner.

argue that the most forceful way to rebut the mounting criticism is to prominently tell the stories of winners as well as the losers in the world of private equity: municipal pension funds that invested in his firm, Bain Capital, and rank-and-file workers hired by the companies that Mr. Romney helped turn around.

The campaign intends to cast Mr. Romney, a founder and a former chief executive of Bain Capital, as a defender of market capitalism, a bedrock principle of Republicanism, and to suggest that those who assail his business background are outside the party’s mainstream.

In his victory speech Tuesday night, Mr. Romney lamented that “desperate Republicans” were attacking the free enterprise system and the very notion of success

Yeah, Bain was so successful, that only 1/4 of all businesses they invested in ended up going belly-up. And the 100,000 jobs he claims were created is horseshit, cherry-picking the success stories without touching on the job losses that Bain’s practices led to.