
Thanksgiving Acoustic Jam: Jimmy Wahlsteen, 'No Strings Attached'

austin_blue11/28/2014 8:33:54 am PST

Top of the fold, ma!

Good morning all and Happy Turkey Hangover!!

So we wake up and find out a “shooter” (why is a white guy always a shooter and the black or brown guy is always a suspected terrorist?) blasted away at the Mexican Consulate (just like Benghazi!), the Fed Courthouse, and the Cop Shop, where an Equestrian Officer, just off of Sixth Street duty, shot him down to end his senseless rampage.

This is exciting news! Our sister-in-law in Bedfordshire, UK, told us about it first!

It’s got everything. Crazy man, possible explosive vest (still not a terrorist yet, being white and shit), international impact (Why is the US incapable of protecting Mexican property in our borders? We are as incompetent as Libyans!) and shot down by a peace officer on a horse!

Thank the gawds he lived north of the river and not down here in the ‘04. But as a story, it’s definitely Keeping Austin Weird.