
Elizabeth Warren Will Skip Netanyahu's Speech

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/03/2015 4:09:41 am PST

re: #214 Justanotherhuman

And you get to the heart of what’s wrong with modern politics and mis-communication.

We have no “objective” press any longer, just a lot of “throw it against the wall and see if it sticks” bullshit.

Nor do we have a press that bothers to verify information before it’s printed. Even the Times sensationalized that Clinton e-mail story to make it sound like a BIG SCANDAL, when in fact it’s small potatoes.

The right wing wants a scandal on the order of Watergate or Iran-Contra to stick on Obama or Clinton, and they keep striking out. Poor babies. But they’ll keep bringing up Benghazi and Vince Foster, because they’ve been entered into the RWNJ bible of “Just so” stories.