
Saturday Night Shred: Steffen Schackinger, "Tumbleweed"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/05/2017 2:38:30 am PST

re: #209 freetoken

I think they’ve realized they have hitched their wagon to the wrong horse, which is pulling them closer to the edge of a cliff. They’re gambling that they can achieve their draconian plans of undoing the last 80 years of Democratic progress before the whole shebang goes off the cliff.

If they ditch Trump for a new horse (Pence), they might still be able to get what they want. But Pence has the charisma of an undertaker, and Trump devotees would retaliate in 2018 and boot those congress-critters out of office. OTOH, Pence might be compromised, too, and they’d be stuck with a bad horse again.

Or, a significant number of Republicans are complicit in whatever shady stuff Trump is involved in. If they run from him, he could retaliate bigly by naming names. I’ll bet he records every phone convo or face to face meeting.