
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Trumps on a Plane

Dr Lizardo3/11/2022 5:01:28 am PST

Now, take this one with a grain of salt the size of, I donā€™t know, K2 or something, butā€¦..

March 11, 2022

According to available information, Vladimir Putin has ordered the preparation of a terrorist attack at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The Russian-controlled Chernobyl nuclear power plant plans to create a man-made catastrophe, for which the occupiers will try to shift responsibility to Ukraine.

Currently, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is completely disconnected from the monitoring systems of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The station is de-energized. The resource of available diesel generators is designed for 48 hours of maintenance of safety systems.

The occupiers refused to grant access to the station to Ukrainian repairmen. Instead, ā€œBelarusian specialistsā€ went there on the instructions of Alexander Lukashenko. Among them, under the guise of nuclear power plants, Russian saboteurs also come to organize a terrorist attack.

At the same time, in recent days, Putinā€™s troops have struck at the Zaporizhzhya NPP and the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (where the experimental nuclear reactor is located).

In order to imitate the involvement of the Ukrainian military in the Chernobyl accident, the occupiers are trying to create fake ā€œevidenceā€ to confirm their version. In particular, Russian car refrigerators collecting the bodies of dead Ukrainian defenders were spotted near the Antonov airport in Gostomel. There is a possibility that they will be pretended to be killed saboteurs in the Chernobyl zone.

That is, without getting the desired result from the ground military operation and direct talks, Putin is ready to resort to nuclear blackmail of the world community for the sake of concessions in support of Ukraine.

At present, Ukraine, the world, and Russia itself understand that the statements about Ukraineā€™s involvement in the creation of a nuclear threat are just a staging of a mediocre scenario. Nevertheless, such actions by Putin will have catastrophic consequences for the whole world. It seems that this is what the Russian dictator is counting on, demanding unacceptable concessions.

Like I said, take it with a grain of salt. Itā€™s from the Ukrainian governmentā€™s Defense Ministry and they could have some knowledge the rest of donā€™t.

Personally, I really donā€™t see how such a hamfisted operation would benefit Putin in the slightest, unless heā€™s gone all GƶtterdƤmmerung and decided heā€™s just gonna fuck up all of Ukraine (and possibly Europe)ā€¦sort of the ultimate, ā€œIf I canā€™t have you, no one can.ā€