
Zombie: The Intifada is Globalized

nyc redneck1/16/2009 4:01:26 pm PST

it is disheartening to watch the ineffectual british cops getting pushed around assaulted by these crazed assholes.
britain needs to man up their law enforcement agencies. they are going to need strong, tuff, head cracking police to handle the kind of anarchists that are getting more emboldened daily as islam keeps rearing its ugly head around the world.
it is sickening to see so many useful brit, european and american idiots screaming and frothing right along w/ the m.e jihadi scum.
they all need to be air dropped into an islamic shithole and see how they like the bliss afforded them by sharia.
i bet most of these sob’s are unemployed. dead beats.
just trouble makers,
i like how the american cops, w/out gear and helmets, backed these bastards down.
a mob needs to be quelled and disbursed.
stopped in it’s tracks. especially these kinds of violent aggressors.