
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

Kenneth2/11/2009 9:34:52 am PST

re: #122 Athos

Actually, we have plenty of leftist unpatriotic media in Canada. They tried to use these images against the soldiers, but it didn’t work. The people spontaneously got up and started honoring these fallen heroes. Nobody organized it, no gov’t agency told them to do it, no media campaign fed it and no political action committee astro-turfed it. Average people just started showing up on overpasses and along the road side along the 401, from CFB Trenton, where the military transport jets arrive, to Toronto where the deceased are then flown on to hometowns across Canada. The few decent media outlets started to covered it. Word of mouth spread and now it has become a tradition. The Canadian military insisted that what they are doing in Afghanistan is honorable and they will not try to sneak their fallen comrades back home in secrecy. God bless them.