
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

pdc_lgf10/20/2009 8:04:42 pm PDT

re: #212 ludwigvanquixote

I’ll pose this question to you, which was posed by me earlier.

Let’s remove the physics, thermodynamics and chemistry. Suppose one were to look at reams of data, derived from a variety of sources: say, tree rings, ice cores, temperature measurements, rainfall, sea levels … - over as long a duration as is reasonable. Some very smart guys, with no axe to grind, analyze the data, use computers to do modeling, and test the predictive value of the models on the data.

Presumably, this has been done. Any idea what happens? (Not a trick question - I don’t know the answer, or whether there is one.)

The reason I’m going down this road is that it relies only on one discipline: mathematical statistics - and thus removes the variables chemistry, physics, thermodynamics…

Your thoughts?