
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta12/23/2009 8:01:57 am PST

More Protests in Iran

Security forces clashed with opposition protesters gathered Wednesday for a memorial for Iran’s most senior dissident cleric, beating men and women and firing tear gas, reformist Web sites reported.

The gathering at the main mosque in the central city of Isfahan, 200 miles (325 kilometers) southeast of Tehran, was meant to honor Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, the spiritual leader of the Iranian reformist movement who died Sunday.


“They didn’t allow anybody to enter the mosque,” Salavati told The Associated Press. “Tens of thousands gathered outside for the memorial but were savagely attacked by security forces and the Basijis.”

Salavati said baton-wielding riot police clubbed people on the head and shoulders, and kicked men and women alike, injuring dozens. He said sporadic clashes were still going on by mid-day Wednesday. The memorial did not take place, he said.

“I saw at least two people with blood pouring down their face after being beaten by the Basijis,” Salavati added.

The reports could not be independently confirmed. The authorities have banned foreign media from covering gatherings in any way connected to the opposition movement.