
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/04/2010 1:14:49 pm PST

re: #199 Cato the Elder

Charles can weigh in any time he likes. Until then, as I find it personally offensive, I’ll continue to bore you with it.

Keep in mind that I like Mandy, and often upding her comments. And she mine. (Well, not that often.) This is not personal, nor an attempt to bully someone off the board.

I know all of this. That said, an inordinate amount of time and bandwidth has been wasted so far on this subject, and I’m sure Charles knows what’s going on. No action has been taken. So either ask for it, or drop it. The vast majority of the people, registered or otherwise who read LGF are tired of this crap day in and day out. Bitching, sniping, pissing contests between assholes with continent sized internet-egos. It got old along time ago.