
Farmers in Sherrod Case: 'She Saved Our Farm'

Orange Impostor7/20/2010 9:00:29 pm PDT

A question for the legal-lizards here -

In my opinion, Shirley Sharrod has a pretty strong libel case against Andrew Brietbart.

The reasons I think so are threefold:

1. Andrew knowingly published a false story regarding her - When pushed with contradictory evidence, has not backed away from that story, but redirected it as a screed against the NAACP.

2. Shirley Sharrod has most definitely been harmed by this story, in the fact that it cost her job, and has done significant damage to her reputation.

3. From the statements that he’s made during interviews, I have no doubt that this story was designed to damage her specifically, and the NAACP in a larger sense, in retaliation for the NAACP condemnation of racism within the Tea Party movement.
