
Video Break: Animated Short No. 1

elbruce9/04/2010 8:14:09 pm PDT

re: #211 marjoriemoon

Israel is a country in constant flux. Folks who would compare it to the U.S., a country with no war on its border, or even places like Iraq or Afghanistan simply do not understand the conflict and yet speak of it with such authority.

I’t most probably that the “maybe Israel should do X instead of Y” crowd and the “everything they do is right and all problems are somebody else’s fault” crowd are both speaking above our level of knowledge and authority.

I recognize that what Israel has to deal with is a balance between practicality and ideals. It likely wouldn’t be safe or workable to institute the sort of things I’m talking about immediately or unilaterally. My main concern here is whether the ideals being put into the equation as a long term goal are the philosophically correct ones.