
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/09/2010 5:21:11 pm PST

re: #177 Walter L. Newton

I can’t even imagine that Soros is any darling of the left, considering that he is one of those “rich people.” He’s certainly as much of a capitalist as Halliburton and the rest of Wall Street.

I have no problem with rich people, just rich people who try to screw over poor people, who manipulate financial markets and stock prices for their own gain and others’ loss (see: Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room) and who get indignant that they actually have to pay taxes (because we currently have a de-facto flat tax when you add it all up)

Bill Gates? Rich and awesome. Starts foundations. Kicks ass. Doesn’t act like these spoiled pricks who inherited their money. No problem with that guy being rich either!

Also, I’m curious: how out of touch does one have to be to think that everyone left of center in America (which is to say, still right of center for most of the civilized world) hates rich people? Because I’d like to avoid being that out of touch