
Forensic Experts: It Was Not George Zimmerman Crying for Help

moderatelyradicalliberal3/31/2012 6:16:26 pm PDT

re: #190 Charles Johnson

There were a few days after the story started to break when it seemed like conservatives would actually not behave like reactionary cavemen. Those days are long gone.

Every single right wing blog, website, and pundit has been wholeheartedly smearing Trayvon Martin and finding excuses to justify George Zimmerman’s actions. The latest talking point, which I expect to show up here at LGF any moment, is that “nobody ever talks about the countless black on black crimes.”

Yes, all of a sudden, right wingers are terribly concerned about black on black crime. I’d say it’s despicable, but it’s just standard right wing reactionary behavior to deny any racism at all among their fellow race warriors, and try to turn it around into an indictment of black people.

They are full of shit on the black on black crime stuff. They don’t care and in those crimes people do go to jail. If you are black and you kill anybody, your ass in going to jail. My cousin was shot and killed last year. His killer was arrested on the scene. He claimed self defense (Texas is a SYG state). He probably was scared as my cousin was high on “wet” at the time. The guy was convicted of manslaughter. SYG didn’t help him one bit.

The reason Trayvon’s case is a big deal is because the police had the killer, they guy admitted it and let him go. That’s the difference. The right is being willfully ignorant about the difference because they can’t take the chance of agreeing with liberals. That’s all conservatism is today: not agreeing with liberals about anything ever under any circumstances.