
Horrifying Video: Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco, Texas

CuriousLurker4/18/2013 9:13:30 am PDT

Dammit, this is exactly the sort of thing I mentioned being concerned about yesterday with regard to crowd-sourcing photos in search of the Boston bomber(s). Added emphasis mine:

New York Post fingers two Boston “Bag Men”

The New York Post’s front page today is given over to a photo of two purported suspects in the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

One problem: they’re not actually the suspects.

That’s what CBS’s John Miller stated this morning. CBS News was one of the outlets, unlike CNN, the AP, and Fox News, that did not report an arrest during yesterday’s flurry of misinformation; the Post, meanwhile, has been pilloried for its reporting in the immediate aftermath of the bombing, including its claim that 12 had died.

And the Post’s article, coming as it does after a provocative front page that calls the pair “Bag Men” (common slang for a criminal), surprisingly comes short of actually calling the two men suspects. Those readers who choose to parse the Post’s reporting on a crowded subway car will find that the men are in photos (one of a crowd scene) being purportedly circulated by authorities, but “two potential suspects” caught on video who’ve been fingered may or may not even be the same people.

Yeah, I SO sure the Post’s readers are going to carefully parse every word. //

If you read the Deadspin article that Salon links to, you’ll see that one of the guys is a Revere High School middle-distance runner, and the Boston Globe has stated that an official said that “the two suspects were seen separately on videotape — one at each of the two bombing sites, which are located about a block apart.” Oh, and his backpack isn’t even the right color.

But, yeah, let’s ruin this kid’s life if it can garner us some traffic. WTF?