
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

lawhawk1/10/2014 8:17:02 am PST

The Founders never envisioned the Internet either, but that doesn’t mean we should just ignore Art 1, Sec. 8, and in particular Clause 18 either.

We’ve got a huge country. Huge infrastructure, and lots of programs that serve valid purposes - even in Paul’s district (the lesser- Rand and the former - Ron).

They’ll bitch and moan when they don’t get theirs for their districts, but demand no one else get any either, even when it’s for the same exact purpose (like disaster relief).

Theirs is a libertarian nightmare worldview, and one that doesn’t pass the smell test. After all, the Founders including Washington and Hamilton had no problems putting down the Whiskey Rebellion and asserting the power of the central government to lay excise taxes and enforce the law.