
Live Video of a Dying Party: GOP Convention: Night of the Trumpenstein

Scottish Dragon7/21/2016 5:37:34 pm PDT

Sullivan says the Trump speech is Triumph of The Will:

This is a very new departure for politics in a liberal democracy. We’ve never heard an appeal from a major party platform to junk traditional democratic norms, and cede power to a new tyrant, whose magical powers will somehow cause almost every problem in the country to disappear. In this election, the very basis of liberal democracy is on the ballot. The fears I expressed last May about the popularity of tyranny in a late-democracy have, I’m afraid, only been fanned by events since.

The speech is entirely about fear, to be somehow vanquished by a single man’s will to power. Its core message is what America was founded to resist. Its success would be an abolition of the core promise of this country for two centuries - that self-government is incompatible with the rule by the whims and prejudices and impulses of a man on a white horse.