
Video: Keith Olbermann's Take on the Smoking Gun Trump Jr. Emails

KGxvi7/11/2017 4:58:38 pm PDT

re: #209 Anymouse 🌹

Well, the only previous example we have is Nixon.

The GOP cannot get a VP replacement through the Senate without some Democratic votes. As in the Nixon case, one would expect a Republican President to nominate a Republican. As such, Gerald Ford was nominated after Spiro Agnew went down because Democrats found him agreeable. The same goes with Ford’s VP Nelson Rockefeller.

Anyone Mike Pence puts up is going to have to be something less than a Dominionist wingnut.

It’s a simple majority in both Houses, so if Pence nominates a Republican senator, if all the Republicans in the Senate vote for him (and assuming he abstains) that’s 51. But that means they can’t lose anyone else in the Senate. I do agree though, that there’s no way it can be a socon fundy.