
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric, Part 2

lightspeed4/09/2009 9:00:45 am PDT

re: #212 Charles

John Birchers are not welcome at LGF.

Fine. Ban ‘em. Dismiss them as kooks. You may want to consider banning these other conspiracy theorists:

* Paulians (naturally)
* Kennedy assassination conspiracy buffs
* Princess Diana conspiracy buffs
* Wahabbist conspiracy nuts
* UFO believers
* Global Warming deniers
* Fans of Phillip K. Dick
* Furries
* Liberals
* And, let’s not forget the biggest conspiracy nuts of all. I’ll give you a hint: They believe that a demonic being will secretly rise to a position of power and start massive wars that will lay waste to the Earth. He will only be vanquished by the return of a long dead savior who will then rule the Earth for a bit before taking all of the nice people away to a beatific paradise.

In the end, it’s your site. If you feel that the views of John Birchers (of which I am only passingly familiar) are so objectionable that you don’t want them here, OK. But I hope you are not saying the John Birchers can’t participate here in discussions as long as they keep the “nutty” stuff out of it. We should always be open to debating those with whom we disagree, as long as it is rational and respectful. People are wrong about a lot of things, but open minds can be changed.