
Dave Weigel Digs Through LGF's Archives Looking for Dirt

Gus4/27/2009 3:52:35 pm PDT

re: #84 Zimriel

Is this the same David Weigel from That’s a site I go to semi-regularly. Weigel’s little more than a troll with posting privileges. Reason’s regular commenters don’t take him seriously compared to Welch, Sullum, and (controversial as he is) Balko.


Gaze is correct.

Got some more info:

Dave Weigel’s youtube channel as daveweigel81.

Notice his video collection. Lots of Ron Paul.

Also found this here:

Dave Weigel aka daveweigel81 is actually associate editor of Reason magazine,
who joined youtube just 1 month prior the incident in Goffstown. Weigel, according to his archive obviously a Ron Paul Observer, is also promoting Justin Martell from Student Scholars for 9/11 on Michelle Malkin on June 03, 2007.